Natures Way

Dr. Sahni's Homoeopathy

Pioneer in alternative medicine & health care!

Prescribing on the basis of Miasms of Sycosis


Dr Hahnemann discovered that the chronic miasm of sycosis manifests in the following manners:

  1. It is a venereal disease of chronic nature and unless treated homeopathically it progresses till the whole life of the patient.

  2. It appears usually, but not always attended with a sort of Gonorrhea from the urethra, several days, or several weeks, even many weeks after infection through coition; more rarely they appear like excrescences or dry warts on the genitals, more frequently soft, spongy, emitting a specifically fetid fluid (sweetish and almost like herring brine), bleeding easily and in the form of a Coxcomb or a cauliflower. These, with males, sprout forth on the glands and on or below the prepuce, but with women, on the parts surrounding the pudenda by a great number of them, which is swollen.

    The fig wart disease, having been deprived of the local symptoms which acts vicariously for the internal ailment, would appear in other and much worse ways, in secondary ailments: for the Fig wart Miasms, which rules the whole, has been in no way diminished, either by the external destruction of the above-mentioned excrescences; or by the Mercury which has been used internally, and which is in no way appropriate to Sycosis.

    The Gonorrhea dependent on the Fig wart Miasms may combine with Psora due to violent allopathic treatment or when Sycosis infects a person suffering from latent Psora, it forms Psora-sycotic miasm. At times, when a badly treated case of venereal chancre disease had preceded, both these miasmata are conjoined in a three-fold combination with syphilis Then it is necessary first to come to the assistance of the most afflicted part, the Psora, with the specific Anti-psoric remedies and then to make use of the remedies for Sycosis, before the proper dose of the best preparation of Mercury, as will be described below, is given against the syphilis. The same alternating treatment may be continued, until a complete cure is affected. Only, each one of these three kinds of medicines must be given at the proper time to complete its action. In this reliable cure of Sycosis from within, no external remedy (except the juice of Thuja in inveterate (bad cases) must be applied).

  3. Pioneers of homoeopathy discovered the Miasms of Hereditary Sycosis. Hereditary Sycosis was discovered by several pioneers of homoeopathy on finding history of Gonorrhea in the parents of the patient. In such cases Medorrhinum in high potency gave brilliant results.

  4. Gonorrheal Rheumatism is another off shoot of Sycosis for which Dr. Nimier feund Sarsaprilla to be a specific remedy. He used it in l2th potency with good results.

Clinical Experiences by Dr. J.T. Kent

Totality and Individuality. Sycotic Excrescences.

Thuja: A lady who suffered from sycotic excrescences became reduced from repeated hemorrhages. When she would go for some time without the loss of much blood her totality of symptoms was similar to Thuja, but an exhaustive flow would add several symptoms to the original picture and mask the individuality of the true chronic disorder. One symptom in particular was a cold feeling in the left side of the head, another, cold damp feet. These would make a young man naturally think of Calcarea, but a closer study must result in a conclusion that Calcarea could only result in a failure to cure until Thuja had removed the sycotic nature of the disorder. The cold sensation is not found under Thuja, but the case made a good recovery, because it was similar to the ruling feature of the case. Now because Thuja removed the individuality of a case with the cold left side of the head, it is no sign it will remove that symptom. It only shows that the individuality of a disease must be known; such information is best acquired by observation in the wilderness of symptomatology. The pathologist might score this as a victory for himself, but he only has learned it from a careful individualization of symptoms.

When the evidence of a chronic miasm is suppressed by a remedy corresponding to the acute or last appearing symptoms, after which the individuality of the chronic miasm will be manifested by its true expression or symptoms. These little things were well known to the great Hahnemann, and are taught in the Organon and chronic diseases.

No Homoeopath can make a truly homoeopathic prescription when the individuality of a disease is unknown, or only partly known. The individuality can only be known by observing and knowing all the symptoms. When a woman calls for treatment with pessary in her vagina, she will most likely fail to obtain a correct remedy because her symptoms are masked, or changed so that the totality does not express the individuality of the sick. The pessary should be removed, and the disease permitted to express itself in the language so well known to every true Homoeopath. After a week the symptoms will most likely express individuality, in its totality of symptoms, and then an appropriate remedy can be found. There is, no other way known. The great Hahnemann knew all these things. The ignorant pretenders use the support and smile at the Organon, and go on with their failures; they seem to glory in their ignorance of the true healing art.

The physician who does not individualize uses Morphine to stop the pain and reports his ignorance to the society, having the audacity to ask what remedy he should have used. The question asked, no less than the failure, shows that he is not acquainted with the teachings of the Organon. Each case must be studied with a view of its own individuality. The physician who is not competent to direct the appropriate remedy is not acquainted with the individuality of his case; and with such ignorance of his case, how can even a more competent physician inform him what an appropriate remedy might be? The questioner could not prescribe for his own case as a general thing if lie would individualize correctly. These are the ones who are wise enough to direct remedies on their knowledge of pathology, only to fail, and then have the audacity to ask for the right remedy to be pointed out.

Gleety Discharge

A young man (twenty-eight) called on me for treatment. I found a gleety discharge, entirely painless, gluing the meatus in the morning. He had contracted gonorrhea several months before, and it had nearly stopped discharging. Five years ago he had an attack of gonorrhea, which resulted in producing a stricture for which he had been operated on. I could only pass a No. 8 bougie at this time.

The symptoms upon which to base a prescription were: Slight painless discharge, gluing the meatus; sickly, sallow face; constipation, sour stomach, general debility.

He took Sepia CM, one dose, dry, and then Sac. Lac. The next night he sent a note, saying he was very sick; that the discharge had come back.

I sent him Sac. Lac, requesting him to come to the office as soon as possible.

He called in a few days; he said the medicine sent to him gave great relief. The discharge was profuse, thick and yellow. Sac. Lac, was given, and advised to call in a week.

Next call: Discharge yellowish green; some pain on micturition; night sweats; bone pains; worse during the perspirations; had a chill during night.

Merc Sol 6000 in water every three hours for 24 hrs and Sac. Lac.

One week later: Symptoms all improved, discharge diminished.

Merc Sol 6000 one dose then Sac. Lac.

One Week later: Discharge nearly gone, feeling well, passes as large as a stream of urine as ever. He took one dose a week of Merc Sol 6000.

At the end of 3 months, past a number 14 bougie. No discharge. He is in good health. The bougie passed without effort. The two remedies have completely cured the stricture and the treatment was painless. Could anything have been more satisfactory?

Updated on: 01 Feb 2010