Natures Way

Dr. Sahni's Homoeopathy

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First Aid - Eye Injuries


The eye is a complex structure. A simple introduction to the general anatomy of the eye will be necessary. Here are some of the major components of the eye that are susceptible to injury.

  1. CORNEA - This is a clear tough outer coating over the pupil.
  2. RETINA - This is a thin layer of light (and color) sensitive cells (rods and cones) which line the back of the eye, sending information to the brain, that leads to the production of an image.
  3. CONJUNCTIVA - This is a thin outer membrane which coats the "white" of the eye and the inside surface of the lids.

Superficial Injuries

The most common type of eye injury results from a particle getting into the eye. Usually this is just a piece of dirt or dust which may be removed easily without complications. The wet corner of the handkerchief-used carefully-is excellent for removing particles from the surface of the eye. The particles will ordinarily stick to handkerchief. Or you may use a cotton swab. DO NOT RUB THE EYES!

If the particle is beneath the eyelid, blink the eyes and a good flow of tears may work it over to either end of the eye where removal is easier. If the object refuses to move from beneath the eyelid, you may turn the back the lid with a thumb and forefinger, and touch it with a wet handkerchief (or cotton swab). If the particle is under the upper lid another method is to pull the lid down over the lower one. This may leave the object stuck to outer part of the lower lid.

You can also flush the particle with running water. If the flushing does not work, or the object will not stick to the handkerchief, it probably is embedded in the surface of the cornea or the eyelid. Never use force or try to pry the particle loose. 

If the first aid efforts do not work, close the eye and cover it with a soft, clean bandage to protect it and to prevent the movement of eyelid. Take the patient to the nearest physician or call your family physician.

Thermal & Chemical Injuries

If an irritating chemical gets into the eye, flood it immediately with water. Get the water from any available source, such as a drinking fountain, faucet, shower or hose. Try to hold eyelids apart so that water can cover as much of the eye as possible. Call a doctor immediately or go to a emergency room immediately.

If the eye has been burned by fire or by chemical do not cover it. Call a doctor immediately or go to a emergency room immediately. In severe burns the patient may go into shock. First aid for shock may be necessary (See Shock).

There are many types of eye burns. The most minor of these may not be noticed immediately, but produce pain, photophobia, and spasms of the eyelids. e.g: Over exposure to a sunlamp or to sun itself. It happens sometimes to persons who falls asleep, while sunning. The ultraviolet rays may penetrate the eyelids.

Ultraviolet radiations from electric arcs like those used in welding causes burns similar to burns of sunlamps or the sun. Children should be cautioned not to watch any workman who uses a bright light.

Infrared radiations can cause severe and irremediable burns on the retina. Long exposure from infrared rays, such as those coming directly from furnace, damages the lens of eye.

The Black Eye

The eye that has received a blow and is surrounded by dark purplish blemishes on the skin (ecchymosis) stimulates joke about men fighting with their wives or comments to boys like "What happened to the other guy?" This humor may be harmless, but too often the recipient of "black eye" just laughs it off and neglects to care properly for the eye. Most black eyes have no lasting effects, but some may cause damage which can result in visual problems-even blindness-if left uncorrected. It is good sense to have ophthalmologist examine an eye which has been damaged in anyway. Eyesight is too important to be neglected.

One result of an impact against the eye is called a "blowout fracture". The pressure against the eyeball causes the lower part of the eye socket bone to break. A fist or a baseball may cause this injury. Blows may also cause damage to nearly every other parts of the eye. The extent of eye damage can be determined only after an eye examination.

Apply cold compresses intermittently: 5 to 10 minutes on, 10 to 15 minutes off. If you use ice, make sure it's covered with a towel or sock to protect the delicate skin on the eyelid. Call a doctor immediately or go to a emergency room immediately for examination.

Cuts of the eye and lid

Seek medical help immediately.

Do not attempt to wash out the eye or remove an object stuck in the eye.

Never apply pressure to the injured eye or eyelid. Be careful not to rub the eye.


  • Wear safety glasses when your eyes are exposed to sawdust, etc. Wear sunglasses that block UV rays.
  • When using harsh chemicals, wear rubber gloves and protective glasses. Don't rub your eyes if you've touched harsh chemicals. Turn your head away from chemical vapors.
  • To help prevent dry eyes, use a humidifier. Limit exposure to smoke, dust, and wind. Don't drink alcohol.
  • Use artificial tear drops with your doctor's okay.
  • Don't stare directly at the sun, especially during a solar eclipse.
  • Don't use eye makeup when an allergy or chemical irritant bothers your eye(s).
  • Don't allow a child to stick his or her head out of the window of a moving car, etc. Sand, insects, and other flying objects can strike the eye and irritate or damage the cornea.
  • Don't let children play with or near sparklers, bottle rockets, and other fireworks.

Homoeopathic Remedies

Superficial Injuries: Arnica 1M, Aconite Nap 200C, 1M.

Thermal Injuries: Antim Crude 200C,1M; Merc Sol 200C, 1M, Arg.Nit. 200C, 1M

Burns: Cantharis 30C,200C.

Foreign Body: Aconite Nap 200C, 1M, Arnica 200C, 1M, Silicea 200C, 1M, Bellis P 200C,1M, Pulsatilla 30C,200C, Ruta G 200C, 1M & Calendula 30C.

Black Eye: Ledum Pal 200C, 1M, Arnica 200C, 1M.

Bleeding from Eye after Trauma: Sulph Acid 30C.

Cornea: Cantharis 30C, 1M; Kali Bich 30C or high, Calceria Sil 3X


When an accident involves the eye, you should get medical help immediately if there is pain or any question of eye or vision damage. Prompt, proper treatment of eye injuries can save vision. The most effective treatment for eye injuries is prevention.

Updated on: 01 Feb 2010