First Aid - Bleeding

Bleeding is one of the commonest causes of death in accidents. It
is caused by the rupture of blood vessels due to the severity of the
injury. The presence of blood over a considerable area of the
victim's body is not a reliable indication of the amount of blood
loss. The blood may be oozing from multiple small wounds or may have
been smeared, giving the appearance of serious loss of blood. The
rate at which blood is lost from a wound depends on the size and
kind of blood vessel ruptured.
There are two types of bleeding: external bleeding
which is obvious and apparent and internal bleeding
where the bleeding is not apparent at the outset but may manifest
itself later in the form of bleeding from the nose, ear, lungs or
A serious consequence of extensive bleeding is shock, which must
be considered as soon as the flow of blood has been checked.
Signs and Symptoms
- The patient may feel faint and even collapse.
- The skin becomes cold and clammy.
- The pulse becomes rapid and weak.
- Breathing becomes shallow and the patient may gasp for air
and sigh deeply.
- Profuse sweating may occur.
- Thirst may be prominent.
Identifying the source of bleeding
Bleeding may occur from the arteries, veins or capillaries or
from combinations of the three. It can be identified by the
following characteristics:
- Bleeding from the arteries is bright red and comes out in
jets or spurts, which correspond to the beating of the heart.
This kind of bleeding is very dangerous and may cause death
- Bleeding from the veins is dark in color and often flows out
in a continuous stream.
- Bleeding from capillaries is a steady, slow ooze. In an
acute situation, especially if on the surface of the body, it is
less worrying than an arterial or venous bleeding.
Managing External Bleeding
- Look at the wound to check how large it is. Check that the
wound has nothing in it (known as a foreign body).
- Apply DIRECT PRESSURE on the wound. use a dressing, if
available. if a dressing is not available, use a rag, towel,
piece of clothing or your hand alone. Press it firmly with the
palm until the bleeding lessens and finally stops. This will
help to stem the flow and will help the blood to clot.
- Place the patient in a comfortable position and raise the
injured part above the level of the heart (if no bone fracture is suspected).
- If you know the pressure points at the appropriate locations
then press on them firmly for 10-15 minutes. Figures below shows
pressure points position which could be used to stop/slow down
the bleeding:

Image Reference:
Deeper cuts in veins produce dark blood that tends to seep
out slowly and steadily. Stop it by applying gentle pressure
directly onto the wound itself. Then cover it with a sterile or
clean cloth (the inside of a laundered handkerchief would do)
and a bandage. This type of wound may need to be stitched after
your first aid treatment.
- To stop arterial bleeding, apply firm pressure directly to
the wound and keep this up continually until medical help
arrives. You can press with a sterile cloth if you have one. If
nothing is available, you must use your hand. Arterial bleeding
will need urgent treatment from a doctor.
- If the bleeding continues, do not remove the original
dressing but add more pads.
- Finally bandage firmly but not too tightly.
- Treat for Shock.
- Shift the patient to a hospital as soon as possible.
- Never attempt to pull out an object that has become embedded
- Never apply pressure of any kind to an eye injury, a skull
fracture or in the case of an imbedded object.
- Never remove the first blood soaked bandage from a wound. Doing this
may cause the bleeding to start up again
- Never give aspirin to someone with a severe bleed as this
can cause increased bleeding
- Never apply a tourniquet. This can make bleeding worse and
may even lead to tissue damage
- Never apply the bandages too tight. A tight bandage can cut
off circulation causing more problems for the injured person.
Managing Internal Bleeding
- Lay the patient down with the head low. Raise his legs using
- Keep the patient calm and relaxed with reassurance. Do not
allow the patient to move.
- Maintain the body heat with blankets, rugs or coats.
- Do not give anything to eat.
- Do not apply hot water bottles or ice bags to the chest or
abdomen. This may make things worse.
- Arrange for the patient to be shifted to the hospital at the
Homoeopathy Remedies
From any part of body use Ipecac 1M in frequent
doses. Failing which Phosphorus 30C, Millefolium 6C or 30C,
Belladonna 30C and Hamamelis 1M can be used as per the
respective symptoms of the case. Locally apply Hamamelis Q
for instant relief.
Updated on: 01 Feb 2010