Traditional Therapeutics - Lumbago (Lower Back Pain)

Generally, lumbar pains are owe to the perverse Cold, or to the
insufficiency of Kidney Energy:
- Pain owed to the Perverse Cold: Extensive and enfeebling
(impairing) pain; often radiating to the thighs and becoming
worse with humid or overcast weather. The patient feels a cold
sensation in the attacked region. The pains prevent the patients
from stooping, from rising, and from turning themselves.
- Pains owed to the insufficiency of the Kidney Energy: First
light and latent, they become enfeebling in the long run; the
patient is without strength and has a low morale.
Utilize the basic points GV-4 (Ming Men), UB-23 (Shen Shu), GV-2
(Yao Shu), UB-52 (Chih Shih), UB-31 (Shang Liao), GB-30 (Huan Tiao), UB-40
(Wei Chung), UB-57 (Cheng Shan), and UB-60 (Kun Lun).
In lumbar pains owing to insufficiency of Energy of the Kidneys, generally, one applies moxa at the points of the painful region. For pains owed to the Perverse Energy, one needles some of the painful points along the trajectory of the affected
Tendino-muscular meridian, and one tonifies with moxa the Principal meridian that is along the pathway of the pain. For instance, if the pain is mainly localized along the pathway of the Bladder meridian on the back, one applies moxa to the Ting point UB-67
(Chih Yin), which is also this meridian's point of tonification.
The following is the therapy counseled by the Su Wen for the
thirteen primary types of Lumbar Pain as described in Chapter 41
- Pains owed to attack of the Bladder meridian:
They radiate along the vertebral column, up to the neck and down
to the coccyx. Needle UB-40 (Wei Chung) and let it Bleed. Do not
Bleed it in the spring.
- Pains owed to attack of the Gall Bladder meridian:
Patients have the impression that they are being pricked by
needles, they cannot stoop, nor rise again, nor turn themselves.
Needle the meridian at the head of the fibula GB-34 (Yang Ling
Chuan) and make it Bleed. Do not Bleed it in the autumn.
- Pains owed to attack of the Stomach meridian:
It prevents the patients from turning themselves. If they make
an effort to turn, they will become terrified as if they found
themselves facing strange things, moreover, they moan often.
Needle the three points of the Stomach meridian situated upon
the front of the leg St-36 (Tsu San Li), St-37 (Shang Chu Hsu),
and St-39 (Hsia Chu Hsu) in order to reestablish the
"upper-lower" balance and make them Bleed. Do not Bleed them in
the autumn.
- Pains owed to attack of the Kidney meridian:
They are localized in the interior, along the vertebral column
and the neck. [It's a question of the dorsal aspect and the
abdominal aspect (internal) of the vertebrae.] Needle the two
points of this meridian located in the back of the internal
malleolus K-2 (Jen-Ku) and K-3 (Tai Hsi). D no Bleed them the
spring. If the Bleeding is too abundant, the patient will
recover with much difficulty.
- Pains owed to attack of the Liver meridian:
They give the impression that the vertebral column is stretched
like a bow (stiff). Needle the points located at the calf upon
the artery Li-5 (Li Kou), Li-6 (Chung Tu), and Li-7 (Chi Kuan).
In this disturbance the patient likes to talk, but does so in an
ingenuous, artless, and simple manner (naiveté).
- Pains owed to attack of the superficial meridians
and the capillaries [here it's a question of the Tendino-muscular
meridians and their ramifications]: They radiate toward
the shoulder, accompanied by visual difficulties (blurred
vision) and incontinence. Needle the superficial meridians at
the level of the inter-articular space of the knee; needle also
the large capillaries at this level and make them Bleed until
the blood changes color.
There exist some cases where the
attack of the superficial meridians provokes lumbar pains which
give the impression of one having on "a too tight belt" with
rupture in the renal region, accompanied by uneasiness and fear.
These meridians are vessels emanating from the point UB-40 (Wei
Chung) [It's a question of the Distinct meridians of the Kidneys
and Bladder]. At the level of this point, the Distinct meridians
concentrate and emerge like a "grain of rice". The blood spurts
out when it is punctured; let it flow until the blackness
becomes red.
- Pains owed to attack of the Yang Chiao: It manifests itself
in the form of swellings which are very painful and project out
of the renal region, like small pinched areas of flesh. It is
necessary to needle the Yang Chiao at the level of the external
malleolus at three points UB-59 (Fu Yang), UB-61 (Pu Shen), and
UB-62 (Shen-Mai).
NOTE: The Su-Wen designates the Yang Chiao by the name "Dong Am"
which means "meridian common to the Yin". This description
clarifies the situation of the two Chiao vessels; the Yang Chiao
being only a continuation of the Yin Chiao. The latter, Yin,
evolves into the Yang at the level of the point UB-1 (Ching
- Pains owed to attack of the Yang Wei vessel:
They are manifested by a swelling of the lumbar region, as in
edema. This meridian meets with the Gall Bladder meridian at
seven pouce from the external malleolus, at "one measure from
the earth".
NOTE: The reunion point is GB-35 (Yang-Chiao)
and the point located at the level of the earth (one "measure"
below the former) is UB-63 (Chin Men).
- Pains owed to attack of the Chong Mo vessel:
They impede forward and backward bending of the patient. If they
lean forward, they have the impression of losing equilibrium.
These difficulties happen after one has lifted a heavy weight.
Needle the two points situated close to the space, which is the
"exciter" of Yang.
NOTE: The "exciter" space of Yang is the
popliteal fossa, where UB-40 (Wei Chung) is found. The two
neighboring points are: UB-38 (Fu Chieh) and UB-39 (Wei Yang).
- Pains owed to attack of the Jen Mo (Conception)
vessel: They are always accompanied by perspiration.
When the sweating stops, the patient calls for drink; after
having drunk, he wants to run. Needle three points of the
vessel, which "awaits the Yang" situated within the Yang Chiao,
and make them Bleed in the case of fullness.
NOTE: "The vessel which awaits the Yang" is the
Governor vessel. The Su-Wen gives it this name because it
receives all the Yang of the body. The three points situated
within the lumbar region are GV-3 (Yao Yang Kuan), GV-4 (Ming
Men), and GV-5 (Hsuan Shu).
- Pains owed to attack of the Yin Wei vessel:
They are always painful and often accompanied by lamentations
and fright. Needle the Yin Wei point situated at five distances
above the internal malleolus at the place where the Yin Wei
unites with the Kidneys (Shao Yin) [It's a question of the point
K-9 (Chu-Pin)].
- Pains owed to attack of the Yin Chiao vessel:
They radiate toward the chest. In serious cases, the patient has
the sensation of fracture at the renal region, blurred vision,
stiff tongue, and difficult elocution. Needle the two points of
the Yin Chiao, the one in front of the large muscle at two
distances from the internal malleolus; the other, below the
malleolus, behind the point of the Spleen meridian. The first
point is K-8 (Chiao Hsin), the second K-6 (Chao Hai).
- Pains owed to attack of the Tou Mo (Governor)
vessel: It expresses itself always by fever. In the
case of strong fever, the patient has some somber thoughts, the
rena region is stiff like a piece of wood; one finds
incontinence of the urine. Needle the three points situated
between the tibia and the muscles St-36 (Tsu San Li), St-37
(Shang Chu Hsu), and St-39 (Hsia Chu Hsu).