Traditional Therapeutics - Hypertension

Chinese Etiology:
There are two essential causes of Hypertension:
- Hypertension may be caused by a deficiency of Yin Kidney
caused by the following: Over use of the Will and mental thought
which weakens the Blood; excessive sexual activity; blockage of
the Ancestral energy; etc. These causes drive up the "Wind of
the Liver" accompanied by "Liver Fire". Symptoms include lack of
physical strength accompanied by exhaustion of the Spirit,
headache, dizziness, palpitation, insomnia, pulse-small and
wiry. Apply Tonification** method on points UB-23 (Shen-Shu),
K-3 (T'ai-Hsi), and UB-15 (Hsin-Shu). Sedate the points Liv-2 (Hsing-Chien)
and Liv-3 (T'ai-Ch'ung).
- Hypertension may be caused by the Glairy Mucus in
combination with the Fire of the Liver being transformed into
Wind caused by: Overeating (leading to an accumulation of Glairy
Mucus); excessive consumption of spicy foods or alcoholic
beverages; or psychic disturbances of the Energy of the Liver
(anger). Symptoms include pain in the ribs; dizziness and
paralysis of the limbs; thirst and mental depression;
pulse-wiry, sliding and forceful; white, greasy or yellowish fur
on the tongue. Apply sedation** method on the points St-40
(Fung-Lung), CV-12 (Chung-Wan), Liv-2 (Hsing-Chien) , UB-18
(Kan-Shu), and P-7 (Ta-Lung).
Additional Points
- China's current therapy uses:
a) K-3, UB-23, UB-18.
Points according to the symptoms:
Dizziness and headache - GB-20.
Abdominal distention and excessive mucus - CV-12, St-40.
General weakness - St-36, Sp-6.
Remarks: Treat once daily until symptoms subside, then treat
every other day. This prescription is also suitable for
Meniere's Syndrome.
b) Ear points: E-33 Subcortex, E-55 Depressing Groove, E-37
Shen-men, E-51 Heart, E-39 Sympathetic
- Balance the pulses of the Kidney, Heart and Envelope of the
Heart. Then sedate P-8, P-7, P-6, K-2, H-9, CV-6, CV-5, P-10,
P-2, H-7, and St-36; then tonify SI-10, SI-13, SI-14, and SI-17.
Choose the appropriate points among those listed.
**To Understand Tonification & Sedation one must read Ling Shu.