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The earliest extant medical classic in China, Huang Ti Nei Jing (Canon of Medicine) was compiled during the period called the "Age of War" (five hundred years before Jesus Christ) under the Han Dynasty by several illustrious Acupuncture Physicians. It is a summary of the Medical experience and theoretical knowledge. The book consists of two parts: Su Wen & Ling Shu. It describes the basic theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, such as Yin-Yang, the five elements theory, Zang-fu, channels & collateral's, qi (vital energy), blood, etiology, pathology, diagnostic methods and differentiation of syndromes as well as basic knowledge concerning acupuncture points and needling methods.
The value of Nei Jing lies in its creative ideas concerning the structure of living Man, in its meticulous and profound observations forming the basis of the science of Acupuncture, in its abundant teachings for the treatment of sickness and on the manner of their prevention.
Chinese physicians attach the utmost importance to the symptoms of sickness. The Nei Jing describes in minute detail the symptom characterizing the attack of the 12 meridians. It is by the study of the symptoms of the sickness, corroborated with the examination of the pulses, that the physicians establish their diagnosis and decide the treatment to carry out with Acupuncture needles and medicines. The Chinese physicians do not have a specific treatment for a determined sickness; this is a symptomological medicine.
When a sickness is in evolution, the symptoms also evolve; for Chinese physicians these symptom changes correspond to the passage from one meridian to another. By observing these different passages, they are able to forecast the aggravation or the amelioration of the sickness, since there is a good passage in which the sickness moves toward a cure and a bad passage in which it becomes further aggravation.
The Nei Jing describes the specific role of each organ and the relationships between the five organs according to the idea of the "mother and son". There is wholesome to life, the organs suffer the repercussions of their near or distant neighbors and thus each organ depends on the whole. What establishes these connections of every part, of every organ, through relation to the whole? It is the energies of the organs, which triumph over one another, according to determined interactions. In actual terminology one could compare these interdependencies to the conditional reflexes determined by nervous influences.
According to the Nei Jing, life remains as long as the energy is integrated in to the man, when this energy leaves the body, life come to an end. The distribution of the cosmic energies and in consequence the disturbance of the human energies, is the cause of all sicknesses. The cosmic energies include the 6 yin-yang and the 5 elements that are sometimes in equilibrium, some times in dis-equilibrium; these cosmic energies directly influence the energies of man.
Acupuncture has the purpose of Tonifying when the energy is in emptiness, Dispersing when it is in fullness and activating its circulation when it is hindered. This last treatment as regards the Nei Jing is very important; it consists of reestablishing the equilibrium of the energies and has a preventive effect: "A Superior worker intervenes when one is not yet sick".
Few Chapters from all these books are been provided in the specimen copy along with the Order Form.
Updated on: 18 Sep 2011